Friday, April 18, 2014


My mind has been a jumble these past few months years and I feel as though I finally know the reason why. Technology is an amazing thing and my generation has been able to witness so many advancements that have brought mankind into a new era of connection. I feel that sometimes that connection is just what we need, but that connection also holds a dark side. Facebook allows me to keep up with my friends and family, but honestly this connection has only made me feel more alone. Staring at a white screen with random words is not a relationship. Reading the good and seeing only the smiles is not a relationship. I don't want the fake anymore. I cannot handle the superficial. I do not know how to get back what once was, but I do know what I can do to eliminate some of the darkness. I am leaving Facebook. I doubt it will be easy since it has become almost an addiction, but I know that the freedom that it will bring me will be empowering. My desire is for me to find who I really am and not the me I want you to see when you read my funny posts or admire my ridiculously cute children. I want a relationship and not just a clicking of a like button......

I am going to start blogging to ensure that you still get to see my family grow and can still share in some of our life's moments, but I really hope that my phone starts ringing more and that maybe just maybe I get a knock on my door from a friend wanting to chat over a cup of coffee.